
The future is an apocalyptic nightmare where the demonic hordes of hell and the underworld have conquered the earth and devoured mankind. Britannia has travelled back through time to the present, hoping to stop that future from ever happening. One by one she combats those demons and prevents them from bringing about hell on earth.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Sneak Peek at Britannia 2 for 2014

I'm so committed to Britannia that i'm going to do something crazy and give you a sneak peek at next years Britannia set
Yeah, I love britannia so much i'm already working on the new Britt set for 2014!!! where Britannia will be in the grip of those darn slippery Cthulhu's, by the ancient ones thats gonna be a HOT set and thats not all, i've got a spankin surprise instore for that set, but i've got to keep SOME secrets haha.

So dont forget, Britannia Set 1 is coming out July 15th and limited to only 200 packs with 4 stunning basecards to collect. You can now see a full artist list and card count on the right hand side of the website.
Let me know how excited you are about the set here or on the facebook page where I keep posting sneak peek scans from the upcoming set, we just showed off a Vince Sunico card over there.

Ever Upwards

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