
The future is an apocalyptic nightmare where the demonic hordes of hell and the underworld have conquered the earth and devoured mankind. Britannia has travelled back through time to the present, hoping to stop that future from ever happening. One by one she combats those demons and prevents them from bringing about hell on earth.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

2 New Majesty Comics out digitally for you

I've been working hard to produce Majesty #1, essentially an origin comic for the butt kicking superbabe and Majesty Unzipped #1 which is a nonstop naughty erotic comic full of boobies and sexyness for mature readers. Both have alternate covers and are available for digital download via my etsy artstore.


Majesty #1 is a black and white kickarse comic
Majesty Unzipped #1 is the full colour erotic comic