The future is an apocalyptic nightmare where the demonic hordes of hell and the underworld have conquered the earth and devoured mankind. Britannia has travelled back through time to the present, hoping to stop that future from ever happening. One by one she combats those demons and prevents them from bringing about hell on earth.
Monday, 22 October 2012
More than one Look to Britannia
Britannias United!!! I just finished colouring this peice I drew a while ago showing off the four different Britannias, from left to right Manga, Reguler, Celtic and Steampunk. Wish I had drawn her belt on all four now, thats something to remember next time lol.
character design,
costume design,
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Britannia IslandDreams Charity postcards
I drew these Postcard size originals of Britannia for the Island Dreams 2 Charity artcard serise and I spotted a couple of them on ebay being re-sold the other day, wish i had the pennies to buy them back
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